Oh my goodness. I don't even know where to start.
Well, I was having this conversation with Mariah, and she was telling me about a fantastic school trip she went on years ago, to a Victorian village where everyone was in period dress. She said she watched someone making horseshoes, and visited a Victorian sweet shop, and even went down a mine!! Well, I presumed it was a coal mine. It sounded amazing!
So I decided to Google "Victorian village museum" and found this site, and now I think I have died and gone to heaven. Not only is everything Jane Austen era, but it's only a flamin' clay mine!! With a tile museum and a china museum!! With workshops and demonstrations!!
And as if I even needed an excuse to go, I saw my counsellor yesterday who told me that I should to go to a class or something, as a one off, to feed my inspiration and creativity!!
And at £21.95 for a ticket that lasts twelve months it's a flippin' bargain!!
Now I just need someone to come with me... you wanna come? :)
Teaching Workshops Article for SP
5 years ago
What a cool place. I think you should definately go for it! If I could, I'd be there with you! And thank you for the lovely comment on my piece...sigh....wish I had more time.
That's how life works! Get exited about something, make a decision, get more exited about it and suddenly al good stuff connected with it comes to you, isn't life just great sometimes! :-)
sounds absolutely fabulous, but the trip would be a little costly from amsterdam, hehe.
Have fun!
Thank you Kathy and Monique! I wish you could both come too!
I thought about taking my nieces and nephews, but they might get bored while I gaze at the tiles and china all day!
sounds like a blast but unfortunately a plane from MT would offset the bargain ticket to get in lol. hope you get a chance to go :)
It's just not fair Kim! Why do all you clay people have to live so far away?!!
Looks like a fun place for you to go to, Linda. It is amazing, sometimes, the fun places that just pop out of nowhere -- hope you get to go soon.
I have enjoyed your kiln posts. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! That is a HUGE kiln -- heres to you growing into it. What a wonderful committment to your art -- glad you did it! Glad you have so much helpful advice on using it. I look forward to you first firing!
Thank you so much Angela! What a lovely comment, thank you :)
Okay very cool and I think you should go regardless of whether you can get a friend to. It sounds so perfect. WHat fun!
Thanks Mona. I don't know about going on my own though - the car journey would be so boring!!
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