Well, I finished the 28 day challenge on Friday and already I feel lost!! I can't wait to just rip open a bag of clay and get going again!
This FPAA exhibition runs for a week, and then Monday is the day for submissions for the Wellingborough Open Art competition, run by the local council. I was hoping to enter Freda (the heada) but I gave up on that idea about a month ago, because I knew I would never be able to finish her on time and get ready for the FPAA show at the same time. So I will enter Polo and Swanee and see what happens. The standard was high last time, so I don't expect to win, but as this is a jury selected exhibition I will be very happy if my pieces are chosen to be exhibited.
So what's next?
I really love the shape of that pink vase I made - the one that Leanne carved and Charise glazed - so I'm tempted to start straight away on another vase that shape. But I need to finish Freda the heada. Poor Freda has been sitting there with no hair, wrapped in plastic for ages!!
Apart from that, I plan to start getting ready for November! I know it seems like a long way away but I was shocked at just how long it took me to prepare for this current show, and I have two shows to get ready for in November. Realistically, I'm guessing it would take me about 3 months to fill my kiln, based on how long it took me to make the pieces for this show. Once I'm prepared for the shows, I'll have time to concentrate on larger animal sculptures! I can't wait!
I am really enjoying the creative freedom that having my own kiln gives me :)
Teaching Workshops Article for SP
5 years ago
Linda! Wow! you are amazing. I look away for a minute....well a couple of months (took of time blogging for getting ready for the show).....and you have made so many wonderful pieces! I am amazed!
Congratulations on selling your pieces. YAY YOU!
Thanks Leanne! It has been a roller coaster of a month!! But right now I feel so positive and happy :)
I can't wait to see the pieces you made for your show, and all the other people who exhibited too!
What comes next...creating, experimenting, doiing paper work to more your creative business forward! You go girl!
Congrats on completing the challenge. Now anything is possible!
Thank you Kathy! I believe you! Last night I contacted a few local galleries and exhibition venues. It might be too soon this year (because I already have another 2 shows to get ready for) but who knows? maybe next year? :)
Nothing can stop me now! If only that man from the art college could see me now...
Congratulations, Linda! You really are busy with your art nowadays....
Good luck with the show preparations. Entering shows is a great exercise whether we win anything or even get in. I don't do it nearly enough.
Thank you Cynthia! Yes, now that I have my own kiln I have been very busy! I have lots and lots of plans!
Love, love love the vase. :)
Thank you Mona :)
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