Friday, 11 June 2010

I sold another piece!!

I was really happy today to hear that a lady from Sheffield came to see the show, and she really liked one of my pieces but it had already sold. She took one of my busniness cards though, so hopefully I shall hear from her in the future.

Then this evening I heard more news that another one of my pieces had sold!! That's 3 out of 9 pieces! Last I heard I had sold more than anyone else! It's probably because I'm new, so my pieces offer them a style they haven't seen before. Not that I'm playing down my success - I'm as pleased as punch!

Wow. I feel like a real artist now! In yer face Art College man!!

Health wise I'm still not doing well. I have to pick up the rest of my pieces tomorrow, but I'm not really looking forward to going out. I wish this thing would hurry up and go away so that I can get on with making more stuff!!


Anonymous said...


Undaunted said...

Thank you! :D

mona said...

It's officially time to break into a happy dance (if you've not already done so.) Or perhaps when you're feeling better.

It's a wonderful feeling to know that all that hard work, blood, sweat and tears was worth it.

Congratulations Undaunted. :)

Undaunted said...

It sure is Mona! I'm doing the happy dance in my head but that's about it! Thank you!

Kathy L said...

Oh wow Linda...yea for you! I just surfaced again from Swan Lake (no pun intended) and yours was the first blog that I visited since Friday. This news is awesome!

Undaunted said...

Ahh, thank you Kathy, I'm really touched by that :) Isn't it great? I sort of have a commission too! More about that in my next post!

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