My kiln cooled down much quicker than I expected today, probably due to the fact that I didn't shut the lid properly last night! See that gap?
So that meant I was able to unload my kiln this evening instead of having that long wait until the morning! I'm really glad, because it meant I had extra time to think about pricing, which I have been absolutely agonising over!
So here are the pieces. I warn you, the photgraphs are not great. This kind of thing always looks better photographed in daylight.
I'm really pleased with how the ivy came out. I didn't think the veins would be visible after having both slip and glaze applied.
Those dark runs at the top are where the clear glaze ran down the side of the vase when I was glazing the inside. It really changes the colour of the clay. I didn't think it would matter too much because bark isn't usually one block of colour, but in future I will paint the top with glaze resist.
I don't know why, but there is very fine crazing in the clear glaze on the squirrel. It's also a little milky in places so maybe I applied it too thickly. Mind you, the glaze was really thick when it came out of the bottle and I had to water it down to glaze inside the vases.
Unfortunately the fine cracks on the two pitchers still show up. It's such a shame because I think these have turned out beautifully (even though I say so myself!!) I'm really pleased with these, and I will definitely use the wax resist on the images again because I love the contrast in texture it produces.
I'm still going to include these in the show, but at a lower price.
This "matte" clear glaze on the Marianne vase (and the squirrel) isn't very matte at all!! I'm still happy with the vase though.
But my favourite piece has to be... my Mum's mug!! It has finally come out the way it was planned!! And I really enjoyed glazing it too because it's for my Mum :) (The flowers are pink, but are washed out by the flash)
So, overall I am very happy with the results, although there are a couple of things I have learnt. That's the way I like it :) I like to learn so that I can constantly improve, but obviously I don't want the results to be sooo bad that I don't enjoy learning!
Tomorrow I set up my table, and you know what's next? I'm gonna start preparing for my next show!! More aboutt hat in another post. Good night everyone, and thank you all so muchy for your advice and support :)
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5 years ago
WONDERFUL Linda -- you are ready in time!!! I am still in love with that squirrel. His expression is great in this photo. The vases are lovely with the clear glaze -- does make you wonder what the "gloss" would do in comparison with "matte" though doesn't it? Your mum's mug is a lovely color and design. Have fun at the exhibition and good luck with getting sales and commissions!
Oh Linda
I am so thrilled for you. What a ride huh girl? Best wishes for a great show! Can't wait to hear the outcome!
Thank you Kathy :)
Yay you!!!! :) Congratulations and I bet this will send you into a whole new creative spurt. (when you're feeling better that is.)
Oh Mona, I can't tell you! My brain is so active right now! I can't wait to get going again!
Thanks for the congratulations!
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