Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I'm a mug for mugs!

I have a lot of mugs. I've been collecting them since I was 17. As you can imagine, I've had to limit myself otherwise the whole thing would have got completely out of hand. I try to stick to just chocolate mugs but occasionally I see something that I just can't resist.

This isn't the whole collection, but I ran out of wall space! My sister came round one day to help with my dishes and when she saw loads of mugs sitting on the side she thought they were dirty too! But I just don't know where to put them all!

So today the postman brought me something completely amazing, and exactly what I needed...

... a mug!! But not just any old mug! Oh no, it's a very special mug, made by Cindy! :) Exactly what I needed because of it's message (I've been feeling low).

So, I'm starting a new collection of mugs - hand made by awesome potters! I already have... ummm... two. Hehehehe :) Great collection eh?

That other awesome mug is by Leanne by the way :)

So I suppose I'll have to clear some space for my new collection by getting rid of some of these old factory made things. But which ones? Hmmm... not an easy decision!

So, as I mentioned, I've been feeling low lately. That will be why I haven't made anything with clay... or is that why I feel low? I never know which comes first.

Anyway, time to catch up with your blogs. And if anyone is feeling generous feel free to send me one of your gorgeous mugs for my collection!! :D


Kim Hines said...

what a cool surprise and perfect timing. believe me, if you're feeling low go get your hands muddy. may not make you happy exactly but it will make you feel a little better. my youngest is quite the challenge lately. yesterday was bad. really bad. so last night instead of going to bed like i wanted to i went out to finish up a few things in the studio. came in feeling refreshed. well, till kylie started screaming bloody murder and thrashing around in the middle of the night anyway. this morning is already a rough one, and believe me, as soon as i can i'm getting my hands dirty. give it a try and hope the mug helps too.

Undaunted said...

Thank you Kim, I know you're right. Depression has been a long battle for me and it's amazing how much better I've been since I've taken up clay, but sometimes I resist, and I don't know why. What a strange person I am!

I'm sorry things are so bad with your little one. In this country we have this stuff called fennigan that knocks them out! :)

cynthia said...

I have a weakness for mugs myself and love buying ones from potters I know! These are some beauts!

Undaunted said...

I know what you mean Cynthia, I could go absolutely mad and fill my kitchen in a second with mugs from you, Judi, Kristen, Keith and so many others! But at the moment any spare cash seems to be tied up with buying more supplies! One day though, one day.... I keep saying that one day I am going to fill my house with Philippa's art as well. Know any banks I could rob?? :D

mona said...

oooh lovely new mug. I love the color and design. I have a weakness for pottery.

I think handmade is an excellent new criteria for starting a collection.

Leanne Pizio said...

Hey Linda! Thanks for featuring my mug. I'm sorry you have been feeling so low! Get on in there and stick your hands in that clay. Even if you just squeeze it in between your fingers it will breathe a little life into your blood.

Love seeing all your mugs and the new one is a beaut! I say keep collecting! I have so many mugs my shelf is overflowing but we use and treasure each one.

Undaunted said...

Thank you Mona and Leanne.

Hehehe, yeah, I'm not sure if Scott actually treasures them like I do Leanne!! Especially when he's the one who has to put the hooks up!

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