Thursday, 3 June 2010

Everything is fine again :)

Wow, what a rollercoaster!!

I was able to postpone setting up the show for a whole day! So I don't have to set up until tomorrow afternoon now. Phew! So I went ahead and used the 11 hour firing schedule that I found on the net.

My business cards came today too, which I am very happy with. What do you think?

And that's about all I can tell you today! There isn't much I can actually do in preparation for the show today. The kiln won't have cooled down until late tonight. So I shall have to get my clay out again because it's clay day 27 and I have to do something!!


Kathy L said...

Doing the happy dance here in ILlinois. Linda I know your show will be wonderful. Take a deep breath and don't forget to post on the glazed pieces after they come out. I can't stand it!

Undaunted said...

I'm doing a happy dance too! :D

Thank you so much Kathy!

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