It's day two of the 28 day challenge, and I still haven't recovered from day one! My thighs ache so much from sitting at that wheel, I feel like I've been horse riding! Still, I pressed on, and made a few goblets tonight (slab built - I have no wheel at home), to replace the 3 that stuck to the kiln shelf.
I shall let these set up over night and then paint them with coloured slip tomorrow and carve them.
I used my new earthenware clay tonight. To be honest I'm not sure if I really like it. Maybe it will just take a little while to get used to it? We'll see. I'll let you know by the end of the bag!
I have my bag of black/brown clay now too. I'm looking forward to using it, but I have some other pieces that I need to get done first. I'd rather make my white clay pieces first because this black clay is sooo messy! It will just contaminate everything!
Well, that's about it for tonight. I'm going to keep it short and sweet because I'm just so worn out! (incidentally, I've had my thyroid tested again and it is under active again. I have another test in a couple of months)
But, before I go, I'd just like to welcome Kathy to the challenge! Yippee!! We have a participant!! Remember, it's not too late to join in!
Teaching Workshops Article for SP
5 years ago
Yep, I think you are insane only because I know what kind of commitment this challenge is! Love the goblets!
Yeah, you're right. It's day three for me and I've just realised how insane I am!! hahahaha! But we'll love it once we get into the swing Kathy! We'll look back one day and say "Wow, that was hard work but such great fun!" and we might even say "Let's do it again!"!!!
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