Sunday, 29 June 2008


There's not much new to report here. I've struggled for this past week to come up with anything for the Found Art theme of "Collection" which doesn't involve spending money. I haven't given up on it though.

Also I have been working on another triptych on and off this week, and hopefully that will be finished today, ready for me to post tomorrow.

But what I had most fun with this week was painting these little faces and this ice-cream that I made using the left over plaster from the Footprints piece!

Don't ask me why, but my husband thinks these faces are absolutely amazing! I painted them grey on his request - cheerful soul isn't he?

I hope to find a magnet from somewhere to glue onto the back of this ice-cream. Pity I didn't think of giving it a flake too!

I had about half a bucket of plaster left over the night I made the Footprints piece. I could have made loads of these little pieces, but my fingers were becoming too wrinkly and sore!

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