Tuesday 10 November 2009

Getting Nervous...

After spending over four and half hours at home glazing my Ivy vase and then another couple of hours at class touching it up, I took a moment to say farewell to it before it went into the kiln. This is the worst part for me, never knowing if the glaze is going to enhance it's look or completely ruin it. I always get nervous at this stage, but more so this time because I really need this piece to come out perfect for the show.

One piece that had no chance of survival was the smaller Ivy vase, which I stupidly put in the kiln without stilts after I touched up the leaves, forgetting that the bottom had been glazed previously. This was the result:

I'd kind of "grown beyond" this piece anyway and wasn't really attached to it, but it's annoying because I know there was a lady who actually wanted to buy it!

The other vase that I touched up was the Tree Fairy vase. The leaves were too grey, so I put a greener glaze on them.



Hmm... what a rubbish photo. I'm getting really lazy with my photography aren't I? Daylight is better for photographing pieces really, but we don't get much of it at this time of year! And it's cold outside! So, the leaves are greener and the face isn't that bright, and I suppose you'll just have to take my word for it!

Other pieces that came out of the kiln this week were my two little vases:

The black one has pin holes, and you can still see the design under the glaze on the white one. I keep getting told off for being a perfectionist: "But it's hand made!" I keep being told. "If you want perfection, buy something from Tesco!" Why can't I have hand made perfection? Anyway, I think they're good enough for the show. Only I know that the design on the white one isn't supposed to be there (well, and you as well now!).

And now I wait to see how my pieces come out of the kiln next week...

My vase that Leanne carved all those months ago was finally glazed last night... by my new glazing technician! Ok, I wish, but you never know... if the results are good this could become a regular thing! She seemed to enjoy herself anyway, "she" being my niece, Charise (pronounced Sha-reece). (I had so much stuff to carry that my tutor said she could come with me to help)

I was thinking of paying her in chocolate. Would that be classed as child slave labour? :)

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