Hello everyone. It's me. Remember me? That's ok, I forget who I am sometimes too :)
It feels like such a long time since I have updated my blog! Or read any, for that matter! My apologies if you write a blog and you've been wondering where my comments are!
This summer has been a little bit crazy. I've been trying to spend as much time with my nieces and nephews as I can while they're off school. The problem with that is that I get exhausted very easily and I struggle to juggle everything else. "Everything else" including down time, which I need quite a lot of for the sake of my sanity. "Down time" meaning no communication with the outside world, and that doesn't include when I'm asleep!
Today I finally had some clay time all to myself! (as opposed to clay time with nieces and nephews - not the same at all) This isn't the first time I've had clay time since I last posted though... I have a vague memory of having some clay time before... once. After the tealight swans I made yet more tortoises, the same design as the trinket boxes but money boxes this time. The nieces and nephews have seen them (oops!) so now I'll have to make many many more!!
Today I started on a couple of vases, using the white stoneware clay that I had used before. I'd forgotten what a dream it was to coil with! Or maybe I just didn't really appreciate it until I tried coiling with that awful earthenware clay!!
And that's really all I've done, clay wise. The kids have been making some amazing stuff! I really wish I had the energy and the patience to have them round all the time! They are so creative! Here are just a couple of examples...
Elliot's (10) mask...
and Dylan's (9) scary castle...
I'd love to tell you about all the other things we've got up to this summer, but it would be the length of a novel!!
I hope you are all having a great summer, whatever it is you're doing! :)
ps. You can keep up to date with me now on Facebook! All the news without the waffle! See the side bar!
Teaching Workshops Article for SP
5 years ago
Good to read you have taken some time for yourself. I also need a lot of time by myself (no phone, no talk, no nothing) so I know what you mean! :-)
Working with clay (a lot of carving at the moment) is one way to meditate for me, it just makes me feel peaceful.
Those tortoises are so cute!
Hi Monique! Yes, I love carving too, it's such fun! My carving is no where near as complex as yours though! Those tiles are great!
Thank you, I'm glad you like the tortoises :)
Yea you are back....Your nieces and nephews are very talented. Love their stuff. And it will be wonderful to see you on FB!
Glad to see you again.
Thank you Kathy and Scott! I still have so much catching up to do with the blogs!
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