Well, I don't know where to start! It's so exciting, isn't it? All this "One World One Heart" thing! Already I've had quite a few new visitors to my blog, and I have to say that some of the prizes I've seen along the way on other blogs are absolutely fantastic!! Has anyone else noticed a lack of male bloggers taking part though? The miserable old... anyway, I've noticed a lot of collaging, hand made jewelery, and vintage things. Vintage is good. I like old, that's why I married Scott. Hehehe just kidding!!
But as if that wasn't exciting enough, I have other exciting news too! (my pitch is rising as I speak) Good things always come in threes don't they? Or is that bad things? Anyway, my dear friend Philippa from Loaded Brush is having an exhibition, right here in the next town to me!! How awesome is that?? I can't wait to go!
Plus... yes, there is more... Leanne is coming to England again in March!! (my pitch is now even higher) How awesome is that??
Plus... there's even more... the organisers of Philippa's exhibition said they would extend it, just for Leanne!! (my pitch is now so high that it is only audiable to dogs) How awesome is THAT!!
Phew! I'm exhausted after all that!
On the clay front, after missing two classes in a row, and doing nothing in between, I was itching to get my fingers in some clay again, and yet I was resisting. I have no idea why. Probably too scared of some physical activity! But today I did indeed get my clay out. The idea was to just roll out a couple of tiles ready to try out my new "Emma" design, but I know every clay person (or even every artist) will know what I mean when I say that once I started I couldn't stop! So after rolling out my tiles I also started on yet another goblet (my invitation list for the girlie night keeps getting longer and longer!) and a slab built vase which will be a similar shape to the goblets (all going well).
They're at a really ugly stage at the moment. It always amazes me when something this ugly transforms into something really nice, even though I'm the one making it and I should know what to expect! I shall continue with the shaping this afternoon and update you when they actually look something like they're supposed to!
Meanwhile, last time I was at class I collected my tiles (which you saw in the give away) and the little set of bowls. Remember these?
Here's the completed set:
When my niece Mariah caught sight of them she gasped with delight - without knowing that I made them, and without me asking what she thought of them, which I think is the best kind of compliment :)
Edit: Update on the jug, although it still has no handle yet.
Teaching Workshops Article for SP
5 years ago
Wow! Linda!
First off, I LOVE the bowls! and Mariah has great taste I might add. Give her a wave hello for me.
Second, you are so sweet to ask them to hold an exhibition for me! Wow! Do I feel special. I can't wait to see your friends work and meet her.
Third, The jug is amazing Love the rippled rim. Can't wait to see what shape you make the handles.
See you soon! Literally!
ps sorry about the excessive use of exclamation points.
Lol, it sounds like you're getting as excited as me!
Thank you so much Leanne, I'm glad you like the bowls and jug. I will certainly give Mariah a wave from you! She is already asking if she can come to London again with me to see you!
I can't take credit for the extention of the exhibition, but you're still special :) I asked the man when the closing date was, and when he said the 28th of Feb I just said "Oh, that's a shame. My friend was coming over from America in March, and I was hoping she would get to see it" I must have sounded so dejected that he offered to extend it! I was so shocked! Isn't it great though?!
Have you noticed many men in the crafter community, period? I think it has something to do with the whole cook/chef thing...Guys just don't do this sort of community building. Weird, but true!
The bowls rock! You have my envy, for getting to clay, for being so good at it-- you rock on, there!:D
Thank you so much Carapace, I'm glad you like the little bowls!
I know what you mean about men and crafts, but I'm sure there are male photographers who blog, male artists, and male potters. So far I don't recall seeing any men on the magic carpet ride, but it would have been nice to see some, offering a print or a cup or something. But you're right - as you say, they're not really into this sort of community building. Bah, who needs them?!
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