Saturday, 26 December 2009

You know that your nieces and nephews have stayed over too often when...

...the only channel you want to watch is the Disney channel and you can't stop singing Miley Stewart/Syrus/Hannah Montana/whatever-her-name-is songs!!

I hope you're all having a great time with your loved ones. Here's a little something for your delight.


mona said...

Okay, so now I'm going to be singing that all day. I gotta say Miley has quite the big girl voice considering she's a kid.

Undaunted said...

Hehehe, sorry about that Mona, it just had to be done :)

Angela Finney said...

Glad you are feeling better. That would drive me batty. My newphew always had headphones for whatever they were playing. Except for not being to talk with them easily, this kept it fairly quiet when spending time with them. The liked sixties and seventies oldies when they were younger, thoug, so would not have minded listening to it. Hope 2010 is Happy and Healthy for you!

Undaunted said...

Hi Angela. I didn't mind the tv and songs at all, I couldn't help myself from watching it! The only time it started to drive me mad is when it was left on in the background and the silly programs for two year olds came on! Aaaargh!

Wow, 2010, I can hardly believe it. Thanks very much Angela. I wish you much health and happiness too.